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Web-Conference 2021

Hosted by Slovakia

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The 2021 Joint EIONET/TFEIP meeting  took place on the 4th-6th May, and was hosted virtually by Slovakia. Thank you very much to everyone who was able to attend and actively participated in discussions. We will circulate the minutes from the meeting within the next few weeks. 

Premeeting information: 

  • Detailed agenda - Download

  • Gothenburg Protocol Review meeting paper - Download

TFEIP/EIONET: Introductory Session

(4th May, 10:30 - 13:00) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Slovak National Inventory - Zuzana Jonáček - Slovakia Hosts - Download

  • International News: Black Carbon update - Richard Claxton - UK - Download

  • International News: Condensables update - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

  • International News: EIONET update - Martin Adams - EEA - Download

  • Reporting & review of emission inventories 2021 - Sabine Schindlbacher - CEIP - Download

  • Review of the Gothenburg Protocol and Reporting Guidelines - Chris Dore - TFEIP Co-Chair - Download

    • Menti meter interactive session ​

  • Germany's road transport adjustment - Kevin Hausmann - Germany - Download

TFEIP/EIONET: Agriculture and Nature Expert Panel

(4th May, 14:00 - 15:30) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Introduction, agenda and etiquette - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

  • Gothenburg Protocol update - agriculture - Barbara Amon - EP leader - Download

  • Report on ammonia emissions - Barbara Amon - EP leader - Download

  • Reporting import/export of manure - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

  • Experience with the N flow tool - Harald Menzi - FOEN - Download

  • The usefulness of background information and IIRs - Rasmus Einarsson - Chalmers - Download

  • EU training session 2020 and 2022 - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

  • Insights on the Agricultural Emission Estimation (AgrEE) prototype tool - Manjola Banja - JRC - Download

  • GB methodology developments - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

  • TFRN, GRA, MELS - Barbara Amon - EP leader - Download

  • Non-agricultural livestock - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

  • Workplan and wrap up - Nick Hutchings - EP leader - Download

TFEIP/EIONET: Transport Expert Panel

(5th May, 10:30 - 12:00) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Welcome - EP leaders - Download

  • Capacity building for WB countries: feedback from the training on “Emissions inventory compilation: air pollutants, toxic pollutants and GHGs - Marilena Muntean - JRC - Download

  • Italian activities in improving road transport inventorying - Ricardo DeLauretis - ISPRA - Download

  • Hg considerations for transport emissions inventorying - Päivi Aakko-Saksa - VTT - Download

  • An innovative and cost effective approach for analysing shipping movements density – case study in Peru - Ioannis Tsagatakis - Ricardo - Download

  • New developments on AEIG transport chapters - Giorgos Mellios - Emisia - Download

  • 2020-2021 workplan - EP leaders - Download

TFEIP/EIONET: Combustion and Industry Expert Panel

(5th May, 14:00 - 15:35) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Introduction - EP leaders - Download

  • Fireworks  - David Kuntze - Germany - Download

  • Solvents – how to get away from Tier 1 - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

  • Small combustion – follow-up from Tuesday in plenary & possible improvements to the Guidebook - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

  • Discussion - All

  • Updates to the Guidebook, process and timelines - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

  • Interactive session: Provide us with your ideas and help us setting priorities! - EP leaders - Download

  • Short messages

    • Biodiesel and biogas use in energy industries (1.A.1.a) - Carlo Trozzi - Techne Consulting - Download

    • Feedback from JRC emission inventory workshop - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

    • Updates proposed by CONCAWE to the chapter on distribution of oil products (1.B.2.a.v) - Jeroen Kuenen - TNO - Download

  • AOB & close - EP leaders

TFEIP/EIONET: Projections Expert Panel

(6th May, 10:30 - 12:00) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Welcome and presentation of agenda - EP leaders - Download

  • Presentation on undertaking emission projections in Slovenia - Matjaz Cesen - Download

  • Presentation on the results of the 2nd Clean Air Outlook and the West Balkan and EECCA project (EUCLIMIT-9EAST) - Zig Klimont - Download

  • Presentation on impacts of COVID-19 on UK projections - Neil Passant - Ricardo - Download

  • Presentation and discussion on the suggested updates to the Annex IV reporting template for projections - EP leaders - Download

  • Final discussion and meeting close - EP leaders - Download

TFEIP/EIONET: New Science and Conclusions

(6th May, 13:30 - 15:30) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

  • Using Earth observations to determine NH3 and NOx emissions in the UK - Eloise Marais and Richard Pope - UK -

  • The space emissions tool: constraining inventories using satellite data - Kevin Hausmann - Germany - Download

  • Inventory Awards Ceremony - Sabine - CEIP - Download 

  • Feedback and Close - Chris Dore - TFEIP Co-Chair - Download

    • Interactive session: Feedback from the TFEIP - Download

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