Other Important Meetings
Listed below are important meetings that have taken place related to air quality emission inventories and projections. Emission Inventory Support Tools are further provided.
Final Workshop on Capacity building for emission inventories, 7 September 2021.
Agenda and Introductory presentation on "Capacity building for Member States regarding the development of national emission inventories" - Anne Misra, Ricardo
Presentation on "Improving agricultural emission estimates: N-Flow Tool and AgriEE Tool" - JRC
The results from the interactive session can be found here​
Workshop on Capacity building for emission inventories, 19 November 2020.
Introductory presentation on "Capacity building for Member States regarding the development of national emission inventories" - Anne Misra, Ricardo
Presentation on "Improvements made to the road transport sector in Croatia" - Iva Švedek, Ekonerg
Presentation on "Improvements made to the agriculture sector in Hungary" - Katalin Lovas, Hungarian Meteorological Service
Presentation on "Improving agricultural emission estimates: methods, projects, the way forward" - Monica Crippa, JRC
Presentation on "Improvements in NMVOC Emission Estimation" - Jeroen Kuenen, TNO
The video recording from the event can be found here​
Emission Inventory Support Tools
Uncertainty Analysis Tool
The spreadsheet is a tool to aid with conducting an uncertainty analysis in an air quality inventory - Download
Nitrogen-Flow Tool
There are planned modifications/updates to the EEA's Nitrogen Flow tool. The updated tool will be made shortly available following approval from the TFEIP agriculture experts.
All updated guidance and tools will be circulated to the TFEIP community through the usual channels.