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Milan 2015


The conclusions from the meeting provide a summary of key discussions and actions - Download


TFEIP/EIONET: Monday 11th May

(11th) - Thank you to all who participated in the useful discuss had during this session. Please find all the presentations below:

Session 1: Reporting Review and UN/ECE Developments

  • Activities of the EMEP Steering Body - Download 

  • News on European Commission Activities (no powerpoint)

  • An update on activities under the CLRTAP - Download

  • Status of reporting under the CLRTAP - Download

  • CLRTAP reporting vs other Conventions - Download

  • Interactions between TFMM and TFEIP - Download


Session 2: The EMEP/EEA Guidebook Update Project​

  • Introduction and drivers - Download

  • Continued improvements of inventory methodologies - Download


Session 3: Meeting of TFEIP Sector Expert Panels

  • Expert panel meetings were held in the afternoon. The presentations and minutes of these meetings will be available on their web pages shortly.



TFEIP/EIONET: Inventory Innovation

(12th May) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available below:

  • Including point sources in national inventories - Download

  • Biomass burning and chemical speciation profiles - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: The CLRTAP Review Process, Adjustments

(12th May) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available below:

  • Assessment of CLRTAP review process - Download

  • Emission inventory adjustments update - Download

  • Comments on adjustment guidelines - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Projections Expert Panel

(12th May) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. Presentations are available below:

  • Projections Expert Panel - Download

  • GAINS emissions projections for EU Clean Air Package - Download

  • Sweden national emissions projection system - Download

  • UK emission projections - Download




(12th May) - Thank you to all who participated and presented. You can find the presentations below:

  • Recent EIONET activities - Download

  • EEA Projections in hindsight - Download

  • EU CLRTAP emissions inventory compilation - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Decisions and Close

(12th May) - Thanks to all who participated in the discussion as we wrapped up this year's meeting. Conclusions to the meeting and presentations by each Expert Panel are available below:

  • Combustion & Industry Expert Panel - Plenary - Download

  • Transport Expert Panel - Plenary - Download

  • Agriculture & Nature Expert Panel - Plenary - Download



TFEIP/EIONET: Workshop on Improving Black Carbon Emissions Estimates and Abatement

(13th May) - Thank you to all who presented as part of this session. Presentations can be found below:

Session 1: Technical and Analytical Landscape


Session 2: Modelling of Black Carbon Transport to the Arctic

  • Black carbon trajectory modelling - Download

  • Transport modelling and deposition of BC - Download


Session 3: BC Emissions - Different Metrics

  • BC/EC/OC EC Project/Guidebook update - Download

  • BC/EC/OC metrics, emissions and trends - Download

  • Russian soot measurement methodologies - Download


Session 4: Emission Technologies and Abatement 


Session 5: Analytical Methods for Estimating and Reducing Regional BC

                Murmansk Bus Company Fleet Upgrade booklet (English) - Download

                Murmansk Emissions Inventory discussion paper - Download

                Black Carbon Diesel Initiative in the Russian Arctic - Download


Session 6: Facilitated Discussion 

  • Linking science, technology, abatement and emissions


Session 7: BC Emissions - Latest Estimates


Session 8: The Oil and Gas Sector 


Session 9: Conclusions/Actions/Next Steps

The co-chairs will compile priority actions that can be taken forward.

Administrative documents

The following administrative documents are available for the 2015 TFEIP meeting:​



Guidebook update documents

The following documents concern the tasks under the Guidebook update project, which will be discussed at the 2015 TFEIP meeting:

  • Task 1 - Small scale combustion - Download

  • Task 2.1 - PM (Condensable vs Filterable) - Download

  • Task 2.2 - Non Road Mobile Machinery - Download

  • Task 3.1 - Agricultural sector - Download

  • Task 3.2 - Ammonia from fertiliser use - Download

  • Task 3.3 - Ammonia from standing crops - Download

  • Task 3.4 - Ammonia from biogas - Download

  • Task 4.1 - SOx/SO2 inventory - Download

  • Task 4.2 - Black Carbon - Download


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