Expert Panels
The TFEIP's expert panels are ad-hoc groups that provide a focal point for activities related to specific technical areas of emission inventory development and reporting.
An important role of the expert panels is to review the latest scientific knowledge available concerning emissions and estimation methodologies, and to maintain and update the content of the EMEP/EEA Guidebook. The panels also serve to encourage the exchange of information between experts. A description of the informal mandate of the expert panels is here.
Workplans, minutes and other information concerning the expert panels can be found using the left-menu or by following the links below.
Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry
The Combustion and Industry Expert Panel provides guidance for technical issues related to the compilation of emission inventories related to fuel combustion (but excluding transport) and industrial activities. The panel is also responsible for issues concerning the product use sector (e.g. solvents).
Expert Panel on Transport
The Transport Expert Panel compiles and updates the EMEP/EEA Guidebook chapters that deal with both road and off-road transport modes (including aviation, rail and shipping). In addition, the exchange of technical information and national experiences and the presentation of specific research projects and their results are promoted. ​
Expert Panel on Agriculture and Nature
The Agriculture and Nature Panel reviews and provides estimation methodologies for the chapters of the EMEP/EEA Guidebook that concern the agricultural sector, and also natural emissions from non-anthropocentric sources. The panel has strong links to other task forces established under the LRTAP Convention, specifically the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN),